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Letters to my Son, Day One

I decided to write to you daily from the desk in your room so that you'd know I was thinking of you. And then, in a power move I think you would appreciate, I decided to post this as a series called "Letters to my Son" to my Vocal Media author profilewith a teaser on my website to direct it there—to help me raise money to travel out to see you graduate as well as launch my full time writer/voice artist career so I don't have to get a real job.

Don't worry. I won't give out any state secrets concerning your identity or whereabouts. I will, however, share my imaginary version of your experience based entirely on what I learn from the official military website and I'll do my best to follow along, offering support, anecdotes from my own past, and gossip from home to entertain you.

And anyone else who may be reading. But mostly you.

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